Sunday 31 July 2011

Week 3b (Online Questionnaire)

As for this week, we are required to carry out a mini research by creating a simple questionnaire with 10 questions on the topic "zopen Source Software (OSS)".

We are required to~

Create a questionnaire (Pilot test) using Survey Monkey
1. Register – free sign-up at
2. Add questions (use multiple choise – one answer only)
3. Collect and analysis data online (pilot test – give the link to our coursemates)
4. Ask our classmate to comment or each question/item.

My partner (Teh Hui Yen) and I had completed the survey form and provided below is the link.

We had edited our question as our lecturer commented on our survey is not the correct way of carrying out a survey. So, we search for informations on how to create a questionnaire and consult Mr. Kulan again.


We are required to:

Create Questionnaire using Google Document
1. Use gmail account
2. Open or click on documents
3. Create New → Form
4. Add demography and item/question in variety format – multiple choice, Checkboxes and scale
5. Explore the use of function Save, open, edit form
6. Ask several coursemates to test the online questionnaire.
7. Explore the use of Spreadsheet for this online questionnaire and Download as Excel format (xls) ( this file will be imported in SPSS)
8. Correct the questions based on the feedback
9. Ask the students from IPG KS (Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Sarawak) to answer the survey.

The questionnaire in google docs can be printed and distribute it to any students in your campus (each pair gets at least 10 respondents).

To sum up, the task for week 3 is my partner, Aizulnizam and i have to do online questionnaire to be answered by the class members. First, we have to list out the questions based on our topic. Open Source Software. Then, using, we make out the questionnaire and post it in our facebook group to be responded by other class members. Then, we need to do another questionnaire using Google Document and email it to the class members. The result were gathered as the data are needed for the next task. Thank You =)

Friday 29 July 2011

Week 3a (Literature Review)

Salam and good day to everyone !!

Today i'm going to write about what my partner and i had done based on the task given by our lecturer. We were given the topic Open Source Software and both of us need to do some literature review. Based on the term Open Source Software, we had choose the topic How To Ensure The Effective Usage of Open Source Software (OSS) for Malaysians. The file then was uploaded in the yahoo groups for other class members review. Thank You =)

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Week 2b (CMS/LMS)

This new task is about Learning Management system (CMS/LMS). According to the instruction, I need to discuss and study about C/LMS with my partner, Aizulnizam and as a result of some researches, we are required to create a google document about this subject. We also must list the advantages and disadvantages of C/LMS with any open source software for C/LMS. After the discussion, we had come out with a complete report and it must be attached to our own yahoo group. After completing the first task, we need to update our blog and reflect what we have done based n the task given.

Monday 25 July 2011

Reflection ^^

Based on the topic Open Source Software (OSS), i have searched a lot of information on software and it was a good step for me to know better about today's technology which undergo changes every seconds. I have learned that there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages  of using open source software. The examples of advantages and disadvantages can be read in the [previous post where i have posted some of the pros and cons of OSS. I also learned how to choose the right software to be installed to my pc so that the software wil never be wasted and be used efficiently.  

Week 2 !! (Think, Pair, Share)

Hi everyone! Very, very, very sorry to all of you because of this late posting because of some unavoidable factors. =.='

Now, let's go to the main business. My partner, Aizul and me had been given a task to do some research on the topic Open Source Software. As a start, let me brief a little bit on what Open Source Software (OSS) all about. OSS refers to software that is developed, tested, or improved through public collaboration and distributed with the idea that there must be shared with other, ensuring that the software are opened to the public which also open to future collaboration.

OSS are free to get and it will develops from time to time because the program can be improve or change based on the needs of the users. As a conclusion for this characteristic of OSS, it would produce a number of advantages and disadvantages. based on some research we had done, here are a number of advantages and disadvantages of using or having Open Source Software.

Advantages of Open Source Software.

>>Free and capable.
>>Everybody have the right to modify the code of the software and make it suitable for their own environment.
>>New versions are released all the time because it is free and no profit is gained by programming the software.
>>Many people have access to the code, meaning that there are a large number of sources for support.
>>Free to use, free to be distributed and free to modify.

Disadvantages of Open Source Software.
  • Many development of software happens all the time and it is hard to search for the most up-to-date version.
  • Not all hardware is compatible with the software.
  • Most of them are not reliable
  • No guarantee for updates
Thus, Open Source Sofware have their own advantages and disadvantages. We as users need to study the specifications and the usage of the software before installing them into the computer.  

In this post, i would like to share a number of Open Source Software which are usually used by the computer users in the world :

  • Linux (see a computer operating system and kernel originating as a UNIX system and existing in many versions.
  • GNOME (see a desktop development environment providing tools for developing desktop applications (as well as its own basic desktop applications) and available for Linux and other UNIX systems.
  • KDE (see another desktop development environment.
  • Apache (see a web server program (for supplying pages in response to requests) used in most web server computers and available for Windows as well as Linux and other UNIX systems.
  • Firefox (see a web client program (for viewing and hearing web pages) available for Windows and Mac as well as Linux and other UNIX systems.
  • Dovecot (see an email server program (for sending and receiving email) supporting POP3 and IMAP and available for Linux and other UNIX systems.
  • Postfix (see an email server program (for sending and receiving email) supporting SMTP and available for Linux and other UNIX systems.
  • SquirrelMail (see an email application (for reading and writing email through a web client program) supporting IMAP and SMTP and available for Windows and Mac as well as Linux and other UNIX systems.
  • Thunderbird (see an email client program (for reading and writing email) supporting POP3, IMAP and SMTP and available for Windows and Mac as well as Linux and other UNIX systems.
  • OpenOffice (see an office application set (for word processing, spreadsheet manipulation, picture drawing and data base access) compatible with all other major office application sets such as Office and available for Windows and Mac as well as Linux and other UNIX systems.
  • KOffice: (see another office application set.
  • Asterisk: (see a Private Branch eXchange (PBX) providing features such as interactive voice response, conference bridging and call queuing (as well as analogue, digital and VoIP telephony), supporting H.323, SIP and IAX2 (and other VoIP protocols), and available for Mac as well as Linux and other UNIX systems.
  • FreeSWITCH (see a VoIP development environment providing tools for developing applications like phones and switches, supporting H.323, SIP and IAX2 (and other VoIP protocols), and available for Windows and Mac as well as Linux and other UNIX systems.
  • GnuGK (see a VoIP gatekeeper (for some H.323 deployments) available for Windows and Mac as well as Linux and other UNIX systems. 

    Sunday 10 July 2011

    First Class of The Short Semester !

    Its's the first class for the subject GGGE1155 Computer In Education. During the class, we were briefed about this subject by our lecturer, YM Tengku Azlan and based on the course proforma, my classmates and i started to plan and work on what we have to do throughout this semester. As for this, i would like to share what we have to do as a start, first of all, we have to create two email accounts- Yahoo and Gmail. Next, using the emails we have to create a facebook account, a blog, create a group on Yahoo. All this tasks actually taught me to be an individual who is good in a lot of aspects especially in the technology which always becoming advance from days to days. i think that's all i want to share for the time being. thank you ! =)