Tuesday 23 August 2011

Final Reflection of CiE

Salam and a very pleasant day to the readers.

First of all, i would like express my appreciation to my course coordinator, Dr. Siti Fatimah Mohd. Yassin, and our course lecturer, Mr. Tg Norazlan Tg Sulaiman for their dedication, support and commitment through this short semester. Here I would also like to thank my partner for this course, Mohd Aizulnizam Abu Bakar for his good commitment for all the tasks given for us.

Throughout this course, i have learned a lot of new things on technology. To be honest, there a lot more new things for me to discover in the future on computer. I also understand that to be a good teacher who produce interesting lessons is not as easy as the perception of our citizen. It really needs skills and right techniques. Computer and technology is one of the best way to do that.

Last but not least, i would like to thanks everyone who gave their support unti the end of the short semester. Thank you.

Saturday 20 August 2011

Week 7b (Database)


Plan, create and edit a simple database for student management information using OpenOffice.org Base in a creative, innovative and ethical ways

Plan the data structure for Student management information for each table (only use student name in Student Table, but not others):
Tables: Create table in Design view (4 separate tables)
o student table (use student ID as a Primary key)
o parent table (use student ID as a Primary key)
o curriculum table (use student ID as a Primary key)
o co-curriculum table(use student ID as a Primary key)
Tool->Relationship: Create relationships between tables by linking the student ID (That is why not to create student name for other tables except Student Table!)
Use Wizard to Create Form:
o Student Form
o Parent Form
o Curriculum Form
o Co-curriculum Form
Data entry using Form (Note: do not use table for data entry)
Create several queries from the database
Create reports based on the queries

By doing Assignment 9, I have learnt how to create database using OpenOffice.org Base rather than using Microsoft Access. Before this, most of my friends told me that using OpenOffice.org is much easier. Thus after i finish this task, i mat claim that every program have their own pros and cons. The usage and rating of the prog depends on the users actually. But in my point of view, i do prefer OpenOffice.org.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Week 7a ( Spreadsheet)

Week 7a (Spreadsheet)
Learning about Spreadsheet by doing Assignment 8 (8a & 8b)

Learning by doing Assignment 8a
Plan, create and edit a simple one year personal financial management (income and spending) spreadsheet using OpenOffice.org Calc.
Name the sheet according to the month ie Aug11, Sept11 …. Jul12
Create a formula to calculate a balance for each month (ie. balance of august – will be added to the balance of sept). Link the formula between the sheets.
Upload the file to google docs (spreadsheet) and edit it if necessary. Share with your lecturers.
Openoffice Calc
- Set formula ( use of “=”)
- ∑
- Function wizard
- Link between sheets

Learning by doing Assignment 8b
Microsoft Excel
Plan, create and edit a spreadsheet of students score and grade analysis (use function: define name for table of grade and score; VLOOKUP to refer to the grade of the score, STDEV and AVERAGE or the score; COUNTIF to calculate how many students for each grade; create suitable and meaningful graph Graph; sort to rank the highest to the lowest score for each subject; filter to select based on certain queries:
>> Microsoft Excel
o Define name
o Fill Series
o Graph
o Sort
o Filter

While finishing this assignment, i learn that there are a lot of new things for me to discover about program especially OSS because they are full of functions which can make thelesson become more interesting. I also learn that some data are very easy to organize using this kind of program in a short period of time.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Week 6 (Creative Effective Multimedia Production)

Learning by doing Assignment 7 (7a & 7b)using multimedia authoring software: Microsoft PowerPoint & OpenOffice.org Impress

Assignment 7a
Based on assignment 5 - mini research, create a presentation kit using OpenOffice.org Impress.
Follow the guideline/rule for good presentation skills.
Upload the presentation using Google docs and share with your course mate. Edit the presentation if necessary.
Assignment 7b
Develop a multimedia courseware: learning about the content you choose for assignment 1 using Microsoft PowerPoint.
The courseware should include all multimedia elements: video (edit in Windows Movie Maker); a layered graphic/image (edit in GIMP); (custom animation; edit in GIMP) & audio (record and edit using Audacity.)
(but, animated gif – using Insert -> Picture, the animation can viewed in the presentation F5)
Publish the courseware (package for CD)

After finishing this two assignment, i may conclude that both software (Microsoft PowerPoint and OpenOffice.org Impress) have similarities in terms of functions. Although they are different in terms of user interface, both are user friendly.

Besides, i also learned that using this kind of program will make the lesson become interesting. The best part of this assignment is i know how to express or create something to make the viewer understand better about something new.

These are very useful for creating teaching aids in future to make our teaching more interesting.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Week 5 (Multimedia in Education)

For this week~
We learnt about multimedia that can be used in education by completing assignment 6 (6a&6b)

There are several basic aspects of creating and editing pictures :
2D Graphic Editing Software
- 2D graphic types: bitmap and vector images
Graphic/Image file formats
RGB (Red,Green & Blue) & CMK [or CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow & black)] colour
Microsoft Paint/ Paint Brush
Shapes/smart Art PowerPoint
Online – google draw (collaborative drawing)
OpenOffice Draw (OSS)

Assignment 6a
My pair, Aizul and i are required to plan, design and create a brochure / leaflet using Microsoft Publisher. There are several template available to be chosen to save user's time. The content is related the topic for assignment 1,4,5. Use the graphics/image created using any graphic editors mentioned above. Save the document in original format and .pdf format.

Assignment 6b
We are required to plan, design and create a booklet using bookfold function in Microsoft Word (Page Layout > Margins > Custom Margins > (under Margins tab) Pages > bookfold).
The content is related the topic for assignment 1,4,5. The report in journal article format can be value added by inserting related graphic. Use the graphics/image created using any graphic editors mentioned above. Make a cover using of the booklet – using 2 Column.

Based on this two task, we learn how to do distribute information and delivering messages interactively and efficiently.

Saturday 6 August 2011

Week 4 ( Part 2) - Journal

After processing and analysing our data that we've collected earlier, we are required to write a report on our topic.

The Problem Regarding Open Source SOftware (OSS)
By Mohamad Iqbal Afham bin Mohd Afandi & Mohd Aizulnizam b Abu Bakar

>> Report your mini research in journal article format complete with reference
1. Title
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Literature Review
5. Research Approach
6. Finding
7. Discussion
8. Recommendation and Conclusion

Group members can access the file through my Yahoo! Group File
download the file straight from the link below
E-Learning Journal Report.odt
(week4 E-Learning Journal Report)

Through our research, we found out that there are pros and cons of using Open Source Software. The research is based on the questionnaire and surveys done by both of us to get the point of views from computer users.

Personally, in my opinion, there are a number of disadvantages of using OSS as free software are usually not as good as the one which need to be bought to use. Some company just create OSS to get profit without doing on-going improvement to the software. But at the same time there is no doubt that OSS also are good for computer users because they can be re-programme according to the needs of the users making it suitable almost all the time.

Friday 5 August 2011

Week 4 ( Part 1) - SPSS

This week's task is the input for Assignment 5. So basically this week we will eventually be learning by doing Assignment 5 - mini research.

There are several methods that can be used to record and analyse data using simple surveys which can be created using SurveyMonkey and Google doc (spreadsheed & Form).

Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) is a computer aided quantitative data analysis where it is a useful software for various kinds of analysis. IBM, who is experience in software development, is the developer of this SPSS Statistics software. They claim that SPSS is the world’s leading statistical software for business, government, research and academic organizations.

Below are several description about SPSS by IBM from their official website
IBM SPSS Statistics puts the power of advanced statistical analysis in your hands.
With IBM SPSS Modeler, you can quickly discover patterns and trends in your data more easily, using a unique visual interface supported by advanced analytics.
Get an accurate view of people's attitudes, preferences, and opinions with IBM SPSS Data Collection.
Use IBM SPSS Deployment products to drive high-impact decisions by making analytics a vital part of your business.

Before we start our Assignment 5, we are required to study about ~
DIKW: Data-> Information-> knowledge -> wisdom
This DIKW is related to what we are going to do where it serve as a guideline on how should we carry out a survey so that we are able to produce a good quality of qualitative analysis and research.

We are required to:

1. From the printed questionnaire, use pencil for giving code for the variable of each item. Example
Form ID: (give values 1 to 10, 10 -20)
Gender: 1. Female 2. Male
1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Less agree
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

2. Open SPSS and start naming the variable using Variable View. Example
Name: Form ID ; type: Numeric:; width : 8; decimals: 0; Label
Form Identification; values: none
Name: Gender; type: numeric; width: 8; decimals: 0; Label Value (1, Male, etc.)
3. Data Entry (for printed questionnaire) using Data View
4. In data view, Data -> Merge / import data from Online Questionnaire spreadsheet (make sure that the variable is the same)
5. Run the analyze ->descriptive data: Frequencies
6. Output will be displayed in SPSS Viewer
7. The table and graph can be copied from SPSS Viewer to OpenOffice Writer for reporting.

The data that we have created earlier from SurveyMonkey is excluded because it it just a pilot test.

To sum up everything, this week task is based on what we had done the previous week (online questionnaire)using Google Document and Surveymonkey where we have to do a gathered data using Statistical Package For Social Science (SPSS) . SPSS is a computer aided data analysis where it is useful for analysing data. Thus, this is the task for this week and this program had helped me a lot in learning how to gather data in a way which is easy to be viewed and understood by everyone. thank you =)